Wednesday, November 11, 2009 -- Veterans Day
Puzzle by Kelsey Blakley, edited by Will Shortz
ONE TWO THREE FOUR (39A. Start of a count … or the letter frequencies in 17-, 30-, 46- and 64-Across); BEER BREWER (17A. User of barley malt), e.g. one W, two Bs, three Rs, and four Es; I DID INDEED (30A. Emphatic boast of responsibility), one N, two Es, three Is, four D; TO THE TEETH (46A. One way to be armed), one O, two Hs, three Es, four Ts; and ROTO ROOTER (64A. “And away go troubles …” company), one E, two Ts, three Rs, four Os. Eight-letter -- HARDLINE (9D. Unbending), one A, one D, one E, one H, one I, one L, one N, one R, and OUTBURST (40D. Cause for a reprimand from a teacher), one B, one O... Oh, forget it! Seven-letter -- ADDRESS (21A. Envelope marking), LIGHTER (24D. Zippo, e.g.), RAMPAGE (58A. Go nuts), SIMILAR (20A. Sharing properties) and TALLY UP (54A. Count, as points). Six-letter -- DANGER (22D. What a skull and crossbones signifies), HOLLOW (47D. Like a jack-o’-lantern), OWLERY (36D. Hogwarts roost), RAMROD (10D. Musketeer’s need), THROBS (48D. Hurst like heck) and USER ID (6D. Net handle). Five-letter -- ADD-ON (1A. New wing), ADEPT (28D. Masterful), 53D. “You’re AMONG friends”, 34D. Biographer DORIS Kearns Goodwin, EBONY (32D. Key shade), ELUDE (33D. Throw off), FROST (26D. “Punkin” cover), GRIST (71A. Miller’s need), NOBLE (5D. Title holder), NORMS (68A. They’re par for the course), PRIMO (14A. A-number-one) sharing its clue with the four-letter TOPS, RADIO (35A. Fireside chat medium), RANDI (45A. “Amazing” debunker of the paranormal), RAN TO (27D. Wound up costing). Three- and four-letter -- ADAM, AMES, AMOK, APBS, ASEA, ATRI, BLO, DAR, DIEM, DREI, DYES, EMIL and EVIL, ERST, FAD, FRAT, GANG, GEMS, HEAR, LAO, LITE, LUST, MARS, MIRRE, ODIE, OMRI, ORB, POOR, RAVI (18D. Raga player Shankar), RHEA, ROMA, SKEW, SLAB, SOSA and SOTO, STP, TAP, TESS and TSE, TIT, TOW, UTAH. Count me out! ----------------- For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated. Click on image to enlarge. Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 6. Home of the Bonneville Salt Flats; 10. Where “La Dolce Vita” was filmed; 15. McGwire’s friendly home-run rival; 16. “Paradise Lost” character; 19. Stick in the mud; 23. Straight from hell; 25. Neighbor of a Thai; 26. Rush week participant; 37. Turf group, 38. Slo-___ fuse; 43. Nascar sponsor; 44. Satyr’s feeling; 50. Clairol products; 51. Marvel Comics villain with an eyeball-like helmet; 52. Largest bird in the Americas; 63. ___ Jannings, Best Actor of 1928; 66. “___ speak”; 67. Thick serving; 69. Apply spin to. Down: 1. Police dept. notices; 2. Crowd in Cologne?; 3. Carpe ___; 4. Katz of “Dallas”; 7. Glider’s need; 8. Between ports; 11. Cartoon canine; 12. Phoenix landing site, 2008; 13. Iowa home of the Cyclones; 18. Raga player Shankar; 29. Small songbird; 31. Patriotic org. since 1890; 41. China’s Lao-___; 42. Streaking, once; 49. Pick up, in a way; 54. Hardy heroine; 55. Wildly; 56. “Less filling” brand; 57. Pullover shirt; 59. Robin Hood’s beneficiaries, with “the”; 60. Abruzzi bell town; 61. Treasure chest treasure; 62. At one time, at one time; 65. Draw upon.
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