06.18.10 — Office Workers’ Letters

Fernand Léger Nudes in the Forest

Tubism is a term coined by the art critic Louis Vauxcelles in 1911 to describe the style of French artist Fernand Léger. Meant as derision, the term was inspired by Léger's idiosyncratic version of Cubism, in which he emphasized cylindrical shapes. The style was developed by Léger in his paintings, such as Nudes in the Forest (1909-10).


Friday, June 18, 2010

Puzzle by Karen M. Tracey, edited by Will Shortz

Featured in this TGIF (52D. Office workers’ letters) bone-crunching crossword are two fifteen-letter entries — NAKED AS A JAYBIRD (8D. Like all new deliveries?), in all good modesty, we‘ll settle for Fernand Léger (above); and the I’ve-never-heard-of-before QUICK DRAW MCGRAW (34A. Baba Looey was his deputy), nicely "drawn" in a short Kellogg’s Sugar Smacks commercial on YouTube HERE.

Eight-letter — ALOE VERA (13D. Healing helper); AQUAFINA (15A. Poland Spring rival); BACHELOR (12D. One who’s never asked for a hand?); BEEF STEW (14D. Crockpot concoction); DRAFTEES (61A. Volunteers’ counterparts); FUEL TANK (17A. It’s filled for a flight); ICE SKATE (36D. Devil’s wear?); INNER EAR (7D. Labyrinth); I’VE GOT IT (56A. “Eureka!”); QUINELLA (34D. Track betting option), e.g., a system of betting in which the bettor, in order to win, must pick the first two finishers of a race, but not necessarily in the correct sequence; RETICENT (59A. Opposite of garrulous); UNROLLED (35D. Opened, in a way); WALK OVER (37D. Route); ZEPPELIN (1A. Early 20th-century mode of transportation).

Seven — HEX BOLT (51A. Common metal fastener), RINGLET (26D. Flapper feature); SNEEZES (20A. You may try to stop them from coming), eliciting this link to YouTube with 66,998,918 hits, and the commercial spelling of a SNO CONE (24D. Summer treat).

Six — ADEPTS (60A. Mavens), BAOBAB (9A. Tree that’s home to Rafiki in “The Lion King”), EQUINE (2D. Like some track stars); ERMINE (44D. Regal trim), what‘s regal about a dead animal‘s fur?; GOATEE (43D. It might hide a dimple); HONORÉ (33A. French caricaturist Daumier), LET OUT (58A. Divulge); 54A. Cubs : bears :: crias : LLAMAS; ON SALE (16A. Less steep); PUENTE (3D. Spanish bridge), see also pont and ponte in French and Italian, RAITTS (45D. John of Broadway and his Grammy-winning daughter); ROSCOE (18A. Gangster’s piece), UNCOLA (38A. Longtime drink nickname, with “the”), ZAFTIG (1D. Well-proportioned).

Five — ANKLE (28D. What an espadrille may be tied around); ARDOR; BORER (9D. Uninvited cornfield guest); FILET; FOCAL; GEENA and IRENE; JAMAL; LÉGER (42A. “Tubism” artist); LIANA; OLETA; ONEAS; RESTS; ROYKO (47A. Author of the best seller “Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago”).

Short stuff — AMI, AÑOS, CAL (41A. “East of Eden” twin), COX, EAT, EDA, EFTS, ELK, HAUT, HEF, HMM, INTS, MOP, NOSE, OCT, OSS, PAL, REVS, TIN, TORA and ZOT (21D. Sound from the anteater in “B.C.”).

TGIF (52D. Office workers’ letters)!

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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Remaining clues — ACROSS: 19. Like some plates; 22. Bunny lover; 23. Some exciting plays: Abbr.; 25. Heat; 26. Charges (up); 27. Davis in Hollywood; 29. Not fast; 30. Debone, in a way; 39. Rapper/actor Woolard who starred in “Notorious,” 2009; 40. Chemistry Nobelist Joliot-Curie; 46. Front; 49. Pearl Harbor code word. DOWN: 4. Alter ego; 5. Bog youngsters; 6. Bushrope; 10. Parts of decadas; 11. Covert W.W. II grp.; 30. Middle; 31. Many 61-Across; 32. Soprano Christiane ___-Pierre; 33. A musing sound; 41. Stroking coordinator; 47. Lulls; 48. River that drains the Everglades into Biscayne Bay; 51. Opposite of bas; 55. Grooming challenge; 57. 10, at times: Abbr.

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