Angelina Jolie Naked Drug Photo Scandal

Many adore Angelina Jolie with her strong image as a mother and a partner to Brad Pitt but her dark wild past is haunting her again. A graphic scandalous old photos was released and sold to Star Magazine by Jolie's old druggie friend.

The photos shows a naked Angelina with black tape over her nipples and a dog leash around her neck and doing heroin.
"The photographs are a startling reminder to Angelina of a period in her life I'm sure she wants to forget, a shady piece of her history that she's kept hidden away, even from Brad," celebrity biographer Andrew Morton, author of Angelina: An Unauthorized Biography, tells Star.
Some people are just really insane in destroying other for quick bucks and I don't believe it will destroy her current reputation and relationship with Brad Pitt. Many knows her past so it doesn't matter anymore.

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