Montana Fishburne's mother concerns about daughter's porn decision; Montana arrested from Prostitution last year

Montana "Chippy D" Fishburne admits that her father Laurence Fishburne is still mum about her adult film decision but Montana reveals that she got some support from her mother.
XXX star Montana tells TMZ that her mother Hajna Moss-Fishburne said, "She loves me and is concerned and worried about me. She wants me to be ok and wants whatever is best for me."
It seems sexual experience will be no problem for Montana as she was arrested for prostitution last year.

Fishburne pleaded no contest for criminal trespass and the court agreed to drop charges of solicitation and loitering in a public area. She was sentenced to two years' probation and 15 days in jail, but was able to do community service, AIDS test and classes.

The court gave strict orders that Montana must not attempt and charge money for sex, have sex in public or a place “exposed to public view” and loiter in alleys or public streets “with the intent to solicit acts of prostitution.”

Is Montana aka "Chippy D" violating her probation for doing her adult film? It seems like doing XXX tape can be considered as charging money for sex. Hmmm....

[Image courtesy by Vivid]

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