11.21.10 — Zzzzzzz...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

HAVING ASPIRATIONS, Puzzle by Clive Probert, edited by Will Shortz

The Thanksgiving Turkey Tryptophan Plague sets in a few days early this year with a crossword puzzle laden with sleep-inducing dullness. To be fair, there is one chuckle and for whatever it may be worth, a few unusual answers, a clever clue or two, but be ready to head for the couch and a coma.

The letter H has been added to six familiar phrases minimally producing new phrases, then given justifying clues — of the six, one is humorous:

  • REAL MEN DON’T HEAT QUICHE (26A. Macho guys like their pie cold?)

  • I THINK THEREFORE I HAM (41A. Bad actor’s philosophy?)

  • DELA HAIRLINES (63A. Concerns of middle-aged guys in lower Louisiana?)

  • SEVEN YEAR HITCH (73A. Lengthy military sign-up?)

  • SET ONE’S TEETH ON HEDGE (92A. Put the dentures aside while gardening?)

  • HERRING ON THE RIGHT SIDE (108A. Starboard food fish?)

Yeah, it’s the one about the HEDGE

O.K., anything else? — CHURCHY (21D. Very religious), COKED (5D. Out of one’s mind, in a way, with “up”), DEAR ME (63D. “Alas”), HIGH LIFE (10D. It’s symbolized by caviar and Champagne), HUNT and SUES (96D. Go after; 83D. Goes after), OH ME and OOOH (123A. [sigh]); 44D. Cry of delight), SYLLABI (4D. Course outlines)

…drifting off!


Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

Remaining clues — ACROSS: 1. Judge’s no-no; 5. Like some responsibilities; 10. German born tennis star Tommy; 14. Start of “A Visit From St. Nicholas”; 18. Spree; 19. “The Bad News Bears” actress; 20. Film character who actually does not say “Play it again, Sam”; 21. “Take it easy!”; 22. Robbers’ gain; 23. “Winnie-the-Pooh” character; 24. Signal for a programmer’s jump; 25. One side in the 1973 Paris Peace Accords; 30. Second; 31. Some dates: 32. “___ Day Will Come (1963 #1 hit); 33. You might play something by this; 37. Potential cause of a food recall; 39. Name often followed by a number; 47. “___ doubt but they were fain o’ ither”: Burns; 48. Org. with the motto “For the benefit of all”; 49. Fair-hiring inits.; 50. Kim Jong-Il, for one; 53. James or Jackie of Hollywood; 56. Carrier with a frequent flier program called EuroBonus; 59. It may be snowy or spotted; 61. Emmy-winning actress ))) de Matteo; 62. Johnny ___; 67. Cute; 71. Org. for electing candidates; 72. Whales, at times; 76. Cpl.’s inferior; 77. Presidential straw poll city; 78. Bauxite, e.g.; 79. Place for mounted antlers, maybe; 80. Club Meds, e.g.; 84. Way in; 87. Conductors of many exams, for short; 89. R.E.M.’s “The ___ Love”; 91. Chit; 98. ___ Park, Queens; 99. News show assemblage; 100. Eye parts; 101. Disco fan on “The Simpsons”; 104. Reed in music; 105. Shiites or Sunnis; 106. View from Catania; 116. Contest; 117. Away from the storm; 118. What a beatnik beats; 119. Kind of theater; 120. Not so tied up; 121. Sail problem; 122. Maine college; 124. “___ of the Storm Country”; 125. Lawn starters; 126. Wear away; 127. Vetoes. — DOWN: 1. Atom modeler; 2. “Dies ___”; 3. Content of la mar; 6. Vacuous; 7. Hawk; 8. “Were I the Moor, I would not be ___”; 9. Loud ringing; 11. Athol Fugard’s “A Lesson From ___”; 12. 1930s film pooch; 13. Portuguese-speaking island off the African coast; 14. Like some spicy food; 15. Pain result; 16. Honolulu’s ___ Stadium; 17. More cunning; 21. Very religious; 27. Bearing; 28. Chaucer piece; 29. Actor Dennis; 34. Diminutive suffix; 35. List ender; 36. “Get ___ hence”. I Kings 17:3; 37. Replies from the hard of hearing; 38. Stop; 40. Give due credit; 42. Not smooth; 43. Result of some time in a bed?; 45. Scrub over; 46. Seine tributary; 51. Nostradamus, for one; 52. Soviet news group; 54. One who takes people in; 55. A Lennon; 57. Xanadu river; 58. Sobersided; 60. Back talk; 64. Part of a Moliere play; 65. Snag; 66. Huggies competitor; 67. Quick-like; 68. Item in a music producer’s in-box; 69 Cricket units; 70 MGM symbol; 74. Bordeaux, e.g.; 76. Benjamin; 80. Old touring car; 81. Fair attraction; 82. Feature of much ancient Roman statuary; 85. Artist’s workplace; 86 Gain access, in a way; 88. Roman square; 90. Org. with a 2004-05 lockout; 93. Chewy treats; 94. Apiece; 95. 1976 rescue site; 97. Dodge; 101. Give a raw deal; 102. Third planet from le soleil; 103. Impulses; 105. Hogan contemporary; 106. Pushed, with “on”; 107. “ ___ were the days”; 109. Streets of Quebec; 110. Fleischmann’s product; 111. Surf sound; 112. Word after bang break or bump; 113. Letters of faux modesty; 114. Title for Helen Mirren; 115. Couples no more.

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