Kevin Garnett Calls Charlie Villanueva a "Cancer Patient"

Boston Celtics' Kevin Garnett delivered some trash talking insult to Charlie Villanueva of the Detroit Pistons in which KG called him a cancer patient on the field. Charlie felt that KG is insensitive and very offensive! 

Charlie Villanueva tweeted, "KG talks alot of crap, he's prob never been in a fight, I would love to get in a ring with him, I will expose him"
"KG called me a cancer patient, I'm pissed because, u know how many people died from cancer, and he's tossing it like it's a joke"
"I wouldn't even trip about that, but a cancer patient, I know way 2 many people who passed away from it, and I have a special place 4 those"
Garnett answers back by releasing a statement: . “My comment to Charlie Villanueva was in fact, ‘You are cancerous to your team and our league.’ I would never be insensitive to the brave struggle that cancer patients endure. I have lost loved ones to this deadly disease and have a family member currently undergoing treatment. I would never say anything that distasteful. The game of life is far bigger than the game of basketball.”

Whatever it is, we must learned how not to become insensitive in certain issues.

[Photo courtesy by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images]

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